Welcome to our world of passion for music and the art of lutherie. We are a team of passionate musicians and skilled luthiers who share a singular vision: to bring the power and beauty of music into people’s lives through exceptional quality instruments.

Our story has deep roots in musical and artisanal tradition. From the outset, we’ve embraced the mission of crafting cellos that inspire and transform our customers’ musical experiences. With careful attention to material selection and craftsmanship, each cello that leaves our hands is a unique work of art, rich in history and personality.

We are committed not only to offering high-quality instruments but also to providing a personalized and fulfilling experience for every customer. From the professional musician seeking their ideal musical companion to the beginner eager to discover the joys of music, we are here to guide you in your search and exploration of the wonderful world of cellos.

Every instrument we offer carries with it our commitment to excellence and our love for music. We are grateful to share our passion with you and to be part of your musical journey. We hope that our cellos can become not only instruments of artistic expression but also life companions that accompany you in every note and emotion.

Thank you for choosing to be part of our story. We are excited to be part of yours.